Friday, 16 March 2007

Old People Links (Well they try)

For today's lesson we were asked to research for a fictional article about elderly people using the Internet... Brilliant subject matter I agree but hey, I don't get the luxury of choosing.

Personally, the thought of my grandparents surfing brings a smile to my face, it's bad enough when my dad tries, but I guess I'm all for trying new things and all that.

Now I'm sure you are all well aware of the old cliche that old people enjoy rambling (not hikes) and the first thing I found proves this... for example the epic quote:
"Is it me, or is it becoming more difficult to understand what people are saying?" Yes my friend, it has nothing at all to do with your hearing deteriorating.
BigJohn, if that is his real name has a fairly regularly updated blog, with a new post every three or four days which is a quite charming 'old guy's' take on the world... "During the war" I hear you say. At age 68, without trying to sound patronising it is a rather impressive little blog.

Another thing I found was a document which is basically statistics and market research from Age Concern about how many elderly people use the Internet. Not the most interesting read but stats and figures are all useful in the grand scale of this fictional assignment.


Big John said...

Thanks for the compliment Matt. As an 'old guy' I'm always pleased when one of your generation takes the time to read my 'ramblings'. I do try to vary the content of my blog as much as possible, but when you get to my advanced years nostalgia tends to take over a lot of the time.
Good luck with your studies. I do envy you. At your age I was undergoing a very different kind of education as a national serviceman. There I go again ! :-)

Jim said...

OK - a good start, though take care with punctuation and sentence structure. You found some good things to link to, but one of the links doesn't work... Did you respond to Big John? He seems very understanding of your take on his blog...
